Life Recovery Group, Somerset West, Cape Town South Africa

Bondage to the Past (Part 6)

Life Recovery Group


Bondage to the Past

Scripture Study: The Book of Ephesians

God desires recovery for us, and He has a plan for each of us since the beginning of time. His plan does not include bondage to sin or the past

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Part 6: Bondage to the Past

Scripture Study: Ephesians Chapter 5:15-20

Living by the Spirits Power

What we are going to cover:

1. Think, Think, Think
2. Understand what God wants
3. Tapping into the Holy Spirit’s power
4. Attitude of Gratitude

1. Think, Think, Think (Eph.5:15,16)

Compulsion is one of our biggest defects. We seem to do things without thinking and then have to pay the price later. Paul urges us to be careful the way we live and not to live like fools. Normally what causes foolish behaviour is doing things without thinking first. The slogan “Think, Think, Think” can be applied before we act. This could save us from slipping or doing things we will regret later.

What are some of the foolish things you did this week without thinking?

2. Understanding what God wants (Eph.5:17)

God loves us and only wants the best for us when we act thoughtlessly we disregard what God wants.

How can we understand what go wants us to do?

3. Tapping into the Holy Spirit’s Power (Eph. 5:18,19)

Paul says do not get drunk as this will ruin your life. Many of us have learnt that these words are true even though they were written almost 2000 years ago. Paul says rather full your life with the Holy Sprit (not alcohol spiritsJ).

How can we tap into the Holy Spirit power?

4. Attitude of Gratitude (Eph. 5:20)

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