Life Recovery Group, Somerset West, Cape Town South Africa

Bondage to the Past (Part Two)

Life Recovery Group

Theme for the month of February:

Bondage to the Past

Scripture Study: The Book of Ephesians

God desires recovery for us and has a plan for each of us since the beginning of time. His plan does not include bondage to sin or the past

Part 2: Bondage to the Past

Bondage to our past lives, habits, addictions can only be broken through the "gift" God has for us. We covered this gift last week (Ephesians 2:8).

1. Paul in Ephesians 3:12 says through Christ and Faith can we boldly come into God’s presence.
   What do you think Paul means by “boldly come into God’s presence”?

2. Spiritual Growth Not Spiritual Perfection…

Many people are put off by “perfect” Christians. The reality is no one is perfect! As Christians in recovery we need to humbly seek God’s resources to grow us in our relationship with him on a daily basis. Paul’s prayer is for God’s spirit to empower us (Ephesians 3:16). This means that in recovery we can’t find the strength to cope with our bondage. Only through God can we find our strength to cope with our lives.

In what ways has God’s spirit given you the strength to recover?

3. Who will make his home in you? (Ephesians 3:17)

We do not like to wait for things. We want things now and if something does not happen now, it causes us to be angry or depressed. Our relationship with Christ needs time grow and with this growth we can begin to understand God’s love for us.

Is Christ living in your heart?

In what ways are you learning to trust God?

3. In our bondage we were constantly seeking fulfillment, we tried many things to fill our lives with. Some of us used food, drugs or alcohol others money, sex or controlling relationships.

What can make us complete without this feeling in our lives? (Ephesians 3:19)

Total Attendance: 9

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