Life Recovery Group, Somerset West, Cape Town South Africa

Life Recovery Group, Bondage to the Past (Part 3)

Life Recovery Group

Theme for the month of February:

Bondage to the Past

Scripture Study: The Book of Ephesians

God desires recovery for us and has a plan for each of us since the beginning of time. His plan does not include bondage to sin or the past

Part 3: Bondage to the Past

Ephesians 4:1 - 16

Paul, at the time of writing this letter is sitting in Jail. Notice his concern is not his suffering but for the Christian faith. Addicts in any shape or form always have one thing in common and that is “self centeredness”. We are normally so wrapped up in what is going on in our lives that we become totally blind to the people around us. In Ephesians 4:1 Paul begged that you live a life worthy of your calling. (Philippians 1:7-13)

1. Do you know what your calling is?

In our addictions we were not only self centred but many of us were arrogant, loud, judgemental, dishonest and full of bitterness and anger. It felt like the world was against us including God. Many of us only changed our attitudes by hitting rock bottom, in a sense being humbled by God.

Paul then pleads that we will always be humble, gentle, and patient and make allowances for others faults. When we focus outwards we can easily place principles before personalities and show love for one another.

2. Have you been gentle, humble, patient and forgiving with people around you this week?

In Ephesians 4:7 Paul speaks about the special gifts God has given us.

(Romans 12:3 and 1 Corinthians 12:7)

Further (Ephesians 16) Paul refers to the Body and the parts that fit together perfectly.
The Body Paul is referring to is The Church (Colossians 2:19) and the parts are the believers. Each believer needs to use the unique gifts that God gave to them to serve in the body of Christ, which is the Church.

In recovery there is a saying service keeps you clean.

3. In what ways are you using your gifts to serve God?

Home Work: Find where you can be of service by using the gifts that God gave you.

Present: 5

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