Life Recovery Group, Somerset West, Cape Town South Africa

The Generational Curse

The bible says "the sins of the father will be visited upon the children unto the seventh generation". What an awful scripture! I have been thinking about this topic and how awful it is to think that seven generations could pay the price of one person.

When I think back on my childhood days, my parents did not drink, smoke and our lives centered around God and the church. My Father played in the Church band and he taught me about the word of God from a very young age. I clearly remember my two brothers and sister sitting in the front of the church watching my Dad play the guitar and sing and praise.

My father had a terrible childhood, his Mother (my Grandmother) had been divorced a number of times and had to put her children in an orphanage until she could find her feet again. He landed up at a young age with rheumatic fever, which left him with a heart condition; and as a young teenager he was in a car accident which left him with a brain injury that left him epileptic. He spent 20 years searching for his biological father. He eventually tracked him down and when he met him, his father rejected him outright.

As things unfold, my Mother also had a traumatic childhood. Her Father was very abusive verbally and physically and she married my father at just 16! She had me at 17, which was followed by my three siblings two brothers and a sister.

Looking back, I think our strong family strong involvement in our church kept our family on track. It kept the dysfunctional beast at bay. In recovery I have learnt that the beast never goes away, instead it will patiently wait for some excuse to rear it's ugly head. It will use any excuse possible, like an argument, a wrong doing and any other emotion. It will then lash out and leave a in it's wake a trail of emotional damage. 

When I was about 11 my parents were (I now know) trapped by this dysfunctional beast. The church life slid, and the droon of constant arguments, slaming doors became a way of life. I found a coping mechanisim called "ESCAPE".

To Be Contined....

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